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Season Tracker

Season Tracker v1.2.1

Remembers which series episodes you've already seen.Updates when you close WMP(Windows Media Player) to select the next episode.

If you are a FIRST TIME USER Start by setting the season directory. When you close the program it will ask you were you want to save the database.

Change log: v1.2.1
Initializes the Season number with 1 instead of 0 for obvious reasons.
Will also check if the current database has Season numbers that are 0 and turn them into 1s.
When the Season number changes the Episode number goes back to zero also for obvious reasons.
New icon

Bugs: If you are watching a series and move over to a new series it resets the previous series' episode number to zero. Just close season tracker and open it and then re-open season tracker to avoid this problem

Season Tracker v1.2.0

Remembers which series episodes you've already seen.Updates when you close WMP to select the next episode.

If you are a FIRST TIME USER Start by setting the season directory. When you close the program it will ask you were you want to save the database.

Change log: v1.2.0
No more typing.
Option to close the program without saving the database.
Creates own database from the selected season folder.
Merger for if you want to merge a previous database with the opened one.
Option to open the facebook page.
Open the series folder and if the naming of the season folders inside the series folder it will open the season number you are at now (Format: "...SeriesFolder\SeriesName\Season 1"). Don't worry if your seasons are not in this format it will then only open the Series Name folder.
Simplified GUI.
Minor bug fixes.

Season Tracker v1.1

Remembers which series episodes you've already seen.Updates when you close WMP to select the next episode.

If you are a FIRST TIME USER Start by setting the season directory. Create a few seasons that you are watching and when you close the program it will ask you were you want to save the file.

ChangeLog: v1.1
Can set a season folder directory
Can open the set season directory.
About section where a link can be opened to update the Season Tracker
GUI modifications
Delete button now directly deletes the selected season (does not take you to the delete page)

Season Tracker v1.0

Remembers which series episodes you've already seen.Updates when you close WMP to select the next episode.If you are a FIRST TIME USER just cancel the open dialog and create a series you are watching and when you close it will ask you were to save the database. Next time you open the app open that text file and it will remember were you were(So more than one person can use it on the computer).Updates still to come...

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