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HTC One X screen vulnerable to crack

The HTC One X is a brilliant phone. It is fast and feels great in your hand. I have 3 problems with it though:

1. The camera sticks out of the back and chances are good that your lense is going to get scratches on.

2. The phone's body is made out of a single piece polycarbonate body which is all good and well but it is just soo slippery if you cant get a cover. The problem in South Africa is that you cant get covers for the One X because they only support iPhones, Blackberries and Samsung Galaxy SIIIs.

3. THE SCREEN stands out and curves to the edges and you cant put a screen protector over it at all as it will only make one big bubble. You can't fit a normal screen protector over the screen because it is too big(as you can see I tried but it didn't help one bit to protect the glass as the crack happened right were the screen protector cant reach which makes it pointless to buy a protector because they also can't cover that bit of the glass).

I think what Corning (gorilla glass manufacturers) did was made the screens more scratch resistant but when doing that the glass became brittle and cracks a lot easier.

The body of the phone also has a matt finish which makes it 10 times more slippery although it feels amazing.

The HTC One X is a great phone but the screen that can't be protected is a big problem especially in South Africa where there is no support(Screen protectors and covers) for the phone. I have to say that it did fall from my waist face down on a rough tiled floor. The phone didn't stand a chance against the floor.

Lets hope the repair doesn't cost too much and it is possible to repair it in this third world country of ours.

Bottom line is make sure you get a phone thats screen doesn't stand out like this one. iPhones are exactly the same so dont think you are safe there, you are only safer because you can cover your whole screen with a screen protector and get any cover you want for it.

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