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Access your PC files using ES File Explorer

In this tutorial I will discuss the way i access files off of my PC using ES File Explorer and WiFi. This is not a very secure way of doing it but it is the noob way and it works for me.


Download and install ES FIle Explorer onto your android device


Connect to a WiFi network that the PC's files that you are trying to access and your android device is on. If you don't have a WiFi network to link to create one from your Android device and connect your PC to it.


Open a command window (Windows Key + R then type "cmd" and then hit return/enter) then type "ipconfig"

Find the WiFi network you are connected to and here is where it could get kind of tricky so it will be done more visually:

Make sure you use the IPv4 address and not some other address.

(If you want to make the IP address static (so it doesn't change every time you connect to it go to Network and Sharing center and click the following

It will scream at you asking for the Subnet mask just click ok and it will add it automatically. Further than this just click all the "OK"s you find to go back if there aint no ok click cancel that is how it is to create a static ip address. You can always download an app to do this for you but I will not be explaining that here it is realy easy.

Now to get back on track:


Now grab your droid and open up ES File Explorer. Swipe your finger from the right hand side of the screen to the left and click the following:

On your computer make the network a trusted network and allow it through your firewall/anti-virus program. I will not be showing you how because there are soo many different anti-virus/firewall programs.

While you are at the Network and Sharing center do the following so you can have access to your computers files


Now before you can access the files on your computer you have to share them. The next few images will show you how...

In Explorer get the folder you want to share and select it and follow this:


Take your droid and click on your newly created server and start doing anything you want wirelessly. Copy music watch series on your phone...

I know it is a lot of steps to do but once you've done it, it is easy to do it again and again for different types of networks but NetSetMan helps a lot with the ip addresses. It took me ages to get this working but now it does and my life is soo much easier with it. If you want to listen to all the music on the net folder longpress the folder and click music and it will stream it using ES Music player.

If you are going to watch movies and series from your computer on your droid you may need the following video player to play the videos on your phone:

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